9 ways to save lives through maternal and newborn health integration
Posted on March 9, 2015 By Katie Millar, Technical Writer, MHTF At a standing room only event last week at The Forum at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health , global experts gathered to discuss the need for, barriers to, and the way forward for maternal and newborn integration. But what is integration and why is it so desperately needed? Every year approximately 300,000 women and 5.5 million newborns, including stillborns, die needlessly. The causes of these deaths are often similar since the mother and her newborn are inextricably linked both socially and biologically. For the panel, Putting Mothers and Babies First: Benefits Across a Lifetime , Ana Langer , Director of the Maternal Health Task Force; Joy Riggs-Perla , Director of Saving Newborn Lives at Save the Children; Alicia Yamin , Policy Director of the François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights and Kirsten Gagnaire , Executive Director of the Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action ...